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The Ginger Dogs - About Us
We are a small family business based in the rural village of Donington in South Lincolnshire, birthplace of Matthew Flinders, the famous English navigator and cartographer.
We are surrounded by fields and nature, plus behind us we have a privileged view of a private nature reserve, including white wallabies, rheas and an assortment of ducks, geese and chickens, which is a part of  
Like many, we began feeding our canine and feline companions on dry kibble! However, after hearing about feeding raw, we started to research the benefits and how to feed a nutritionally balanced, species appropriate diet. After researching online, reading books and studying a canine health and nutrition course, we began our raw feeding journey with our own four legged friends.  Also joining raw feeding groups on social media, whose members have a wealth of knowledge and experience amongst them, proved really helpful and gave us the confidence to begin transitioning our furry family and since then  we have not looked back.
By following useful guides from the raw feeding groups, we began on the DIY route and trying complete foods later on, we learnt what suits them and soon found out what didn't, usually by their smell!
Between them, they have now been eating a raw food diet for some years and we are passionate about feeding them a healthy and natural diet; they are also our chief tasters and quality control. 
After a time, we soon became frustrated with the lack of choice locally, and certain that we were not alone in this, we decided to look into stocking and supplying different brands to the dog and cat parents in Lincolnshire.    
We would like to share our experiences with you and hope that your own four legged friends will enjoy a new way of life!
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